Kit Webster, Principal

Creating and executing an actionable vision incorporating financial, human and social objectives


What Do I Do?

Provide "been there, done that" experience, coaching and expertise to start-ups and companies up to $500 million in revenue

Help build value for companies in transition and experiencing rapid growth

Provide an excellent and effective sounding board for, and partner to, the CEO and other C-level executives

Specialize in entrepreneurship

Most Recent Engagements 

$35 million construction company

My client had incurred recent, sudden losses, and its continuation was threatened.

I analyzed the business, personnel and procedures and made recommendations in all three areas, which restored the client's viability.

$300 million retail company

The client's CFO resigned suddenly in the midst of budgeting and the annual audit.

What appeared to be a normal experience became more challenging when cash flow turned negative and bank loan covenants were triggered. Analyzed the problem; assisted with discussions with the banks; recommended solutions which were implemented, achieving stability.

 Other Selected Experience

Publicly-held information services company

Reviewed strategic positioning of company, determining that it was at the top of its S-Curve. Presented plan to Board of Directors to either sell company or invest in additional strategic areas. Facilitated the sale of the business in two parts, utilizing investment banker.

Publicly-held conglomerate

Implemented acquisition-based growth strategy, responsible for multiple acquisitions. When majority owner changed strategy, took company private and sold off its pieces.

Publicly-held fabless semiconductor company

Hired by the Board of Directors as part of a two-man team to review the company's strategy and operations and present recommendations to the majority owner, a major Japanese company. Returned the company to profitability within three months. Presented strategy to Japanese owner. Because the company was significantly behind in technology, the proposed strategy required a significant investment, which the Japanese owner was disinclined to make. Liquidated the company, selling some of its assets to a local company and some to an Israeli company.

Publicly-held internet services company

Hired to review strategy and business model of this company, which was experiencing significant negative cash flow. Determined that the business model was flawed and recommended that the business be liquidated. Liquidated the company, yielding $67 million, which was used to launch a new company, which became financially successful.


How Do I Do It? 

Listen to you and understand your goals and objectives

Gain an in-depth understanding of the business, its markets and its financial dynamics

Create a plan together with key employees and executives, establishing measurable objectives and metrics

Coordinate, and potentially lead, the implementation of the plan; iterate the plan as necessary

Who Am I?

CEO, President, CFO of publicly- and privately-held companies from startups to $100 million in revenues

Raised tens of millions of dollars from the public, venture capitalists and strategic partners

Responsible for over 20 M&A transactions from negotiation through integration

Managed rapid growth and turnarounds

Certified Public Accountant

Former lecturer at the University of Texas' McCombs School of Business in Enrepreneurship; Change Management; IT Management; Mergers and Acquisitions

Master of Electrical Engineering degree from Rice University

Together, We Can

Analyze and develop actionable, effective corporate strategies

Manage growth

Change gears

Develop effective communication strategies for investors and boards of directors

Raise debt and equity capital

Target and integrate strategically-important acquisitions

Strengthen human capital

Achieve greater efficiencies and effectiveness from operations and consultants, including lawyers and auditors

Ensure accurate and timely financial reporting based on effective internal controls

Contact Me Today

and let's discuss how we can create an exceptional future

512 658 9776